Zona Cererilor - Rules

Cereri Grade pe Forum

[b]Cererile sunt momentan inchise ! [/b]
[color=#FF0000][b]Cererile se deschid pe 7.05.2013 ! [/b][/color]

    1,132 Posts
    203 Threads
    Cerere Moderator
    by Akadella =x
    04-07-2013, 04:06 PM
    Schimbare Username

    [b]Aici poti face o cerere de schimbare de Username ! [/b]

      89 Posts
      30 Threads
      Cat mai repede plizz
      by JAH
      04-13-2013, 06:29 PM
      Cerere un-warn

      [b]Aici poti face cerere de scoaterea unui warn ![/b]

        73 Posts
        18 Threads
        Cerere Un-Warn
        by Batman
        04-12-2013, 10:46 AM
        Cerere Ban

        [b]Aici poti face o cerere de ban pentru un membru[/b]

          39 Posts
          13 Threads
          Cerere ban!
          by mightmike
          04-13-2013, 12:12 PM
          Cerere Warn

          [b]Aici poti face cerere de warn asupra unui moderator/player[/b]

            28 Posts
            7 Threads
            cerere scoatere avatar
            by Batman
            04-11-2013, 02:06 AM

            Zona Cererilor
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